1._____________ They like to travel to far-away and dangerous places and do activities like bungee (

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
1._____________ They like to travel to far-away and dangerous places and do activities like bungee (蹦极)jumping, mountain climbing, or boating.
2._____________They stay in youth hostels and eat street food. They often use public transportation, too. They don't carry much luggage, and usually have more time to travel than other travelers.
3._____________They travel in the first class, stay in the best hotels, and eat in expensive restaurants.Besides, they often want privacy and personal attention.
4._____________They try to protect the natural environment. For them, it's important to use public transportation and not to use too much water.
5._____________They also know how to make the most of their weekends. They often go somewhere on Friday afternoon after work and return late on Sunday. They don't spend many weekends at home.
A. Backpackers like cheap travel.
B. Weekend travelers love to travel.
C. Rich travelers have no money problems.
D. Nature-loved travelers like natural places.
E. Green travelers make environmentally friendly choices.
F. Brave travelers like excitement in their travel.
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