• In 1999, Eve and Norman Fertig, a couple, saved a two-week-o

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语


  • If you live in a place where most people speak the language

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    根据标题“Think in single words.”可知,该段建议人们从单个词开始思考。后一句“In your head, try to name each object in your surroundings(在你的头脑中,试着给你周围的每一个物体命名)”对该空做了进一步的说明。故D选项(好的第一步就是从单个词的角度进行思考)符合此语境。故选D。

  • Hard work really does pay off. Scientists find that persever

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“This is also regarded as effort in reaching long-term goals, and determination to continue one’s efforts in spite of hardships. ”(这也被视为实现长期目标的努力,以及在困难中继续努力的决心。)可知,研究人员认为尽管有困难,学生们应该有决心继续努力学习。故选C项。

  • On a day in Arkansas, some fishermen saw a bear cub(幼兽)in a

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    细节理解题。根据第二段“Eastridge called Lisa Stewart, who works at Appalachian Bear Rescue in Tennessee. Stewart always makes room for a new cub.(伊斯特里奇打电话给丽莎·斯图尔特,她在田纳西州的阿巴拉契亚熊救援中心工作。斯图尔特总是给新来的幼崽腾出地方来。)”可知,在幼崽到达后不久斯图尔特让它安定下来。故选C。

  • The latest additions to its World Heritage list. The followi

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Some of them are 2, 000 years old. The markings were left by Blackfoot Native Americans, who lived in parts of Western Canada and the far northern United States.(有些已经有2000年的历史了。这些痕迹是居住在加拿大西部和美国北部的黑脚印第安人留下的。)”可知,石碑反映了当地人的文化。故选C。

  • In the UK, people have a reputation for being somewhat lazy

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    10. D。细节理解题。根据第五段“In the four weeks when we ran our study, none of our volunteers became fluent, but they did practice regularly, and this was enough to give them the cognitive benefits.”可知,有规律的练习足以让他们获得认知方面的好处。

  • As is commonly known, Antarctica is an icy continent with ex

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    33. A。细节理解题。根据第二段首句以及第三段可知,研究人员是通过分析地球沉积物得出他们的发现的。
    34. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段可推知,最后一段说明了南极洲的自然环境发生了很大的变化。

  • Bats have long been one of the most feared creatures in the

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    9. D。主旨大意题。文章第四段到第七段内容介绍的是蝙蝠在保持生态系统平衡方面发挥的作用,第四段和第五段介绍了蝙蝠可以帮助农民消灭害虫,提高粮食产量,第六段和第七段介绍了蝙蝠可以帮助植物授粉,这些都是蝙蝠为我们做出的贡献。“Bats make unusual contributions to us.”能够概括第四段到第七段的内容。

  • Which is more important when an architect designs a building

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    9. D。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段举了纽约的古根海姆博物馆的例子来说明这个观点,纽约的古根海姆博物馆,本来是要把美和功能结合起来的。许多人认为博物馆的白色螺旋坡道很漂亮,但也有人抱怨说,这是不切实际的。此外,坡道太窄,可能会变得过于拥挤。因此似乎即使是一个著名的设计也有功能上的问题,因此推断古根海姆博物馆作为一个例子,告诉我们功能与美很难完美结合。

  • A blue hole is a special kind of underwater cave found inlan

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    26. B。词句猜测题。根据画线词后文“For example, divers have found bacteria there that can live without oxygen以及“Our study of life’s extremes on Earth,” he says, can help increase “our understanding of habitable environments off Earth.”可知,蓝洞甚至可以提供有关宇宙生命的研究的线索。故画线词意思是“宇宙生

  • The annual 3-to-4-millimeter rise in sea levels is expected

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    34. C。推理判断题。根据第四段划线句子“In the Maldives, we cannot stop the waves, but we can rise with them.(在马尔代夫,我们无法阻止海浪,但我们可以和它们一起上升)”可知,作者通过这句话表明在马尔代夫,无法避免会遭遇海浪,但是可以适应海浪的出现,适应不同强度的海浪,也就意味着漂浮城市也要适应海浪。故选C。

  • In general, the riches of the natural world aren't spread ev

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    28. C细节理解题。根据第一段“the main explanation for the biological riches concentrated in places like the Amazon Basin was that they were such place where new species evolved at a faster rate than other parts of the world.(对生物资源集中在亚马逊盆地这样的地方的主要解释是,在这些地方,新物种的进化速度比世界

  • People have wondered for a long time how their personalities

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    35. C。细节理解题。本题实际上考查对第四段末句的正确理解。原文该句中的like machines, humans respond...表明作者并非单纯把人类比作机器。而是把人类对环境的反应与机械对环境的反应做对比。故选C。

  • A Singapore court sentenced a British man to six weeks in pr

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    7.to be returned 考查非谓语。ask for ... to do 请求……做。因本句是是“被归还”,用不定式的被动式to be returned。句意:周三,他要求法庭撤销他所谓的“非法指控”,并要求归还护照,以便他能回到英国与家人团聚。

  • A robot designed for fun by Indonesian villagers and scienti

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    7.which 考查定语从句。还原从句:The village of Tembok Gede has become known for its creative use of technology. 虽先行词为village,指地点,但所填词在从句中作主语,所以用which而不用where引导定语从句。 句意:该机器人是Tembok Gede村的几个机器人之一,该村因其创造性地使用技术而闻名。

  • A college in Southwest China's Yunnan province has presented

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    2.gifted 考查非谓语。gift一般作名词,意为“礼物”或“天赋”等。但本句中gift作动词,意为“白送( to give sth to sb without their having to make any effort to get it)。本句已有谓语动词has,且与所填词之间没有连词,判定填非谓语。因license是“被赠送”的,用过去分词作后置定语,表被动。

  • Scientists say the remains of a young lion found in Russia i

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    4.published 考查非谓语。a study published in the journal Quaternary发表在《第四纪》杂志上的一项研究。句中已有谓语动词were且与所填词之间没有连词,可知填非谓语。用过去分词作后置定语,表被动。

  • An artwork jointly created by a robot and a human artist wil

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    13. A。细节理解题。通过文章第三段“the auction will be the first sale of a piece jointly created by a human artist, a robot and artificial intelligence (AI). The artwork, called “Sophia Instantiation” (此次拍卖将是人类艺术家、机器人和人工智能共同创作的作品的首次拍卖。该艺术品,称为“Sophia Instantiation”)”可知,S

  • Cetaceans (鲸目动物) communicate through sound to find food

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    32. C。细节理解题。根据第一段可知pilot whales可以模仿声音,但并未提及orcas可以模仿声音。A项根据第一句话 Cetaceans(目动物) communicate through sound to find food and to interact socially"可以看出来:B选项根据第二段中的” are often seen in the same environments”可以看出来;D选项根据第二段中的” live in social groups with strong un

  • Fairs and theme parks never seem to lose their attraction. M

    2021-08-30 admin 0 次 英语

    35. A。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“ Research suggests that extreme fairground rides tend to appeal particularly to those of us who lead stressful, structured or controlled lives. It’s certainly true that roller coasters are a way of breaking out of the humdrum (乏味的 ) ex
