[2021·北京海淀区高三模拟]“Are you going to the audition (试镜)?” Someone asked Connie, as we came out of ballet

[2021·北京海淀区高三模拟]“Are you going to the audition (试镜)?” Someone asked Connie, as we came out of ballet class.
“What audition?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing,” said Connie. “It's for The Ed Sullivan Show. You wouldn't be __1__.”
The Ed Sullivan Show was a famous one­hour show on CBS. They constantly needed performers for their new shows. This time they were looking for six dancers to support the star performer Jimmy Durante.
“Why not? I'd love to go!” I __2__.
Connie smiled at me and said, “I don't think you are __3__ yet, Eva.”
Later that night, I couldn't fall asleep. It __4__ me. Who said I shouldn't go to the audition? Only because I was a young novice (新手)? How would I know if I didn't try?
The next morning, I __5__ I was going to the audition. I packed my dancing shoes, and put on bright red lipstick. As I looked at my __6__ in the mirror, I saw one thing missing. I put on a smile.
I took the subway to the Eighth Avenue and walked to the rehearsal studio. I __7__ and took my place nervously.
The audition began. More and more dancers were knocked out. I was still there with my friends. Then we were asked to do a jeté en l'air __8__: stand on one leg, kick the other one up and out as close to a split as possible, and then do a turn in the air. Hopefully, you'd land on both feet.
All the other candidates did the jeté beautifully. It was my turn. I took the preparatory step, and with that never­ending smile, I leaped up into the air, turned in mid­air and landed flat on my back. But even then, the smile never __9__ my face.
When everything settled down, my friends were instructed to go to the right. When I was told to go to the left, their faces told they felt __10__ for me.
I picked up my belongings and prepared to leave when the choreographer (编舞) called out to me, “Where are you going? You've got the __11__ if you want it.”
Did I want it? I certainly did. I thought I had been __12__!
There were no jetés in the __13__. I made my first appearance on national TV. I never stopped __14__, and I always landed on my feet.
It proved once again that a smile will get one __15__ than a frown ever will.
1.A.qualified  B.interested     C.available  D.suitable
2.A.declared  B.complained   C.requested  D.suggested
3.A.stable  B.flexible        C.ready  D.mature
4.A.inspired  B.bothered     C.discouraged  D.shocked
5.A.admitted  B.promised  C.confirmed  D.decided
6.A.costume  B.shadow   C.reflection  D.reaction
7.A.called in  B.signed in  C.logged in  D.joined in
8.A.immediately  B.formally  C.gradually  D.individually
9.A.approached  B.changed  C.left  D.covered
10.A.puzzled  B.relieved  C.nervous  D.sorry
11.A.job  B.gift   C.dance  D.reward
12.A.dismissed  B.cheated  C.rejected  D.ignored
13.A.show    B.contest  C.interview  D.play
14.A.smiling  B.acting  C.laughing  D.leaping
15.A.freer     B.further   C.faster  D.fitter
1.B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是埃德·沙利文的节目。你不会有兴趣的。A. qualified有资格的;B. interested感兴趣的;C. available可利用的;D. suitable合适的。根据下文“Why not? I'd love to go!”可知,作者的朋友认为作者对参加试镜不感兴趣。故选B。
2.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“为什么不呢?我很想去!”我宣布。A. declared宣布;B. complained抱怨;C. requested要求;D. suggested建议。根据下文可知,作者参加了试镜,故此处表示作者宣布要去参加。故选A。
3.C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:康妮笑着对我说:“我想你还没准备好,伊娃”。 A. stable稳定的;B. flexible灵活的;C. ready准备好的;D. mature成熟的。根据下文 “Who said I shouldn't go to the audition? Only because I was a young novice (新手)? How would I know if I didn't try?”可知,因为作者是一个新芭蕾舞者,所以朋友认为作者还没有准备好参加试镜。故选C。
4.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这让我很烦恼。A. inspired启发;B. bothered困扰;C. discouraged灰心;D. shocked震惊。根据上文 “Later that night, I couldn't fall asleep.”可知,作者晚上没有睡好,朋友不相信她能去试镜这件事情使她很烦恼。故选B。
5.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,我决定去试镜。A. admitted承认;B. promised承诺;C. confirmed确认;D. decided决定。根据下文 “I packed my dancing shoes, and put on bright red lipstick.”可知,作者为试镜在做准备,她决定去参加试镜。故选D。
6.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我看着镜子里的影子时。A. costume服装;B. shadow阴影;C. reflection影像;D. reaction反应。根据常识可知,当人在照镜子时,镜子里面是人的影子。故选C。
7.B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我签了名,紧张地坐到我的位置上。A. called in召集;B. signed in签名;C. logged in登录;D. joined in加入。根据常识可知,进入试镜前要先签名。故选B。
8.D 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后,我们被要求单腿做一个喷气式飞机。A. immediately立刻;B. formally正式地;C. gradually逐渐地;D. individually单独地。根据下文 “stand on one leg, kick the other one up and out as close to a split as possible, and then do a turn in the air.”可知,此处是作者被要求单腿做一个喷气式飞机。故选D。
9.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但即使在那时,微笑也从未离开我的脸。A. approached接近;B. changed改变;C. left离开;D. covered覆盖。句意:但即使在那时,微笑也从未离开我的脸。分析上文可知,作者最后平躺在地上,处境非常尴尬,但是作者脸上还依然带着微笑。故选C。
10.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们的脸告诉我他们为我感到难过。A. puzzled感到困惑的;B. relieved如释重负的;C. nervous紧张的;D. sorry难过的。根据语境可知,作者在试镜当中表现不好,以及根据 “When everything settled down, my friends were instructed to go to the right. When I was told to go to the left,”可知,试镜结束后,作者和朋友们被分到了不同的位置,朋友们以为作者将要被淘汰了,所以为作者感到难过。故选D。
11.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你愿意的话,你已经得到了这份工作。A. job工作;B. gift礼物;C. dance舞蹈;D. reward奖励。根据下文“Did I want it? I certainly did.”可知,作者已经通过了试镜并得到了这份工作。故选A。
12.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我以为我被拒绝了!A. dismissed摒弃;B. cheated欺骗;C. rejected拒绝;D. ignored忽视。根据上文 “I picked up my belongings and prepared to leave”可知,作者以为自己被淘汰了。故选C。
13.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:演出中没有喷气式飞机。A. show演出;B. contest比赛;C. interview采访;D. play喜剧。根据上文可知,作者是为一次演出试镜。故选A。
14.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从不停止微笑,我总是站起来。A. smiling微笑;B. acting行动;C. laughing大笑;D. leaping跳跃。根据上文可知,无论是在试镜中表现不好,还是以为自己被淘汰了,作者从未停止微笑。故选A。
15.B 考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:这再一次证明,微笑会让一个人走得更远。A. freer更自由的;B. further更远的;C. faster更快的;D. fitter更合适的。分析上文可知,正是由于作者无论在什么时候都保持微笑,才让她顺利通过了试镜。故此处作者是想告诉我们,微笑会让一个人走得更远。故选B。
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