Is Society Too Dependent on Technology? Just think, what would happen if your computer, iPad or l

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Is Society Too Dependent on Technology?
   Just think, what would happen if your computer, iPad or laptop crashed today? What if someone took away your phone for some days or perhaps you lost it?   16   Today, most people are becoming dependent on technology.
   Most of us cannot go for a minute without looking at our phones and the fear of the battery dying is immense. If you happen to work in offices, you may be familiar with this trend.   17   Anyway, it’s true. How can work continue if it’s hard to send an email to a colleague or customer? This is common in almost all offices.
   Kids used to spend a lot of time with each other or parents playing or just sharing stories. Those evening games after school are over; watching cartoons on Sunday or playing with friends is no longer there.   18   Technology has taken all their time.
   Society may have gone too far in technology dependence. It has become so immense that doctors have recommended for Technology Detox.   19   If not, according to Oxford Dictionary, Technology Detox is a period during which an individual avoids using any electronic devices including computers, smart phones, etc, as a chance to reduce stress and focus on social interaction in the outside world.
   Well, the choice remains in our hands. We must agree that society is being carried away by the increased inventions being introduced in our lives today.   20   Meanwhile, we should have the discipline to turn it off when we are supposed to experience life in reality.
A. Perhaps you may have heard of it.
B. We appreciate technology since it has its benefits.
C. If the Internet is down, all the tasks are over for the day.
D. Technology addiction has become a major problem among teenagers.
E. If thinking about these incidents makes you stressed, you are not alone.
F. Here are some signs that our generation depends too much on technology.
G. Today, most kids remain indoors playing computer games or with a smart phone.
【语篇解读】文章主要讲了现代人对科技的依赖, 无论是在办公室的上班族还是家里的小孩, 都离不开智能手机和电脑。科技确实重要, 但我们要有自制力, 要更多地去体验真正的生活。
16. E  上两句提到“如果你的电脑、iPad或笔记本电脑今天死机, 会发生什么?如果有人拿走你的手机几天或者你弄丢了手机会怎样呢?”, E选项“如果想到这些事会使你焦虑不安, 那么你不是一个人(不是只有你有这种情况)”承接上文, 该选项中的incidents对应上文两个问题中发生的情况, 该选项中的not alone对应下文中的most people。
17. C  上一句提到“如果你碰巧在办公室工作, 你可能比较熟悉这种趋势”, C选项“如果网络关闭, 今天所有的任务都会结束”承接上文, 该选项中的all the tasks与上文中的work in offices相呼应。
18. G  上一句提到“那些看卡通片和与朋友玩耍的活动已经不存在了”, G项“现如今, 大多数小孩待在室内玩电脑游戏或者玩智能手机”承接上文。
19. A  上一句提到“它已经变得如此严重, 以至于医生建议进行‘科技排毒’”, A项“也许你可能听说过”承接上文, 该选项中的it指代上一句中的Technology Detox, 这是一个专有名词。后一句提到“如果没有, 根据牛津词典……”, 所以A选项正好将这两句话连接了起来。
20. B  科技极大地改变了我们的生活方式, 但我们不能全盘否定它, 它有它的好处, 但同时我们应该有自制能力。B项“我们欣赏技术, 因为它有它的好处”承接上下文。
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