If you can do these things by the time you go to high school, you'll get on well with others in higi

Are You Ready For High School?
If you can do these things by the time you go to high school, you'll get on well with others in higihool
A little respect (尊重)goes a long way. don' t help yourself to her personal things in the room, and lether know if you plan to treat friends there. If you don't feel like you’re being treated fairly, have a talk face .
The first meeting with someone really does matter. To make an immediate connection, look a personthe eye and give a firm handshake. Keep eye contact while you're chatting and mention the persorwhen saying goodbye.
One study found that holding something in can make you feel lonely and sad. So for your healthfriendships, write down the secret in a safe place instead of talking about others in public.
If someone did something nice for you-a gift, some help, nows the time to take out your pen! Sendingthe person a handwritten note card within 48 hours afterward is a sign that you really have it together.A.
A.Keep a Secret
B.Be the Best Roommate
C.Make a Great First Impression
D.Write a Fantastic Thank You Note.
75.Please give one more suggestion on how to get on well with others.(回答不多于5个单词)
71.B【解析】根据这一段A little respect (尊重)goes a long way. Don' t help yourself to her personal things in the room, and let her know if you plan to treat friends there.可知,这里是告诉我们如何与自己的室友相处,要尊重对方,让她知道你想要交朋友。故B选项的标题适合这一段的内容。
72.C【解析】根据这一段中The first meeting with someone really does matter.可知,与这个人的第一次见面是非常重要的,也就是你给别人留下的第一印象,所以这一段的标题应该是C,留下好的第一印象。
73.A【解析】根据这一段中So for your health and friendships, write down the secret in a safe place instead of talking about others in public.可知,这里要我们把秘密写在一个安全的地方,而不是在公共场合谈论这些秘密。所以这一段的标题应该是A Keep a secret保守秘密。
74.D【解析】根据这一段中If someone did something nice for you-a gift, some help, now’s the time to take out your pen!可知,别人为我们做了一些好事,那么作者建议我们拿起笔来,即让我们写信感谢对方,因此这一段的标题应该是D Write a Fantastic Thank You Note.
75. Keep smiling. /Be ready to help others. /Be a good listener.
解析】这是一个开放性的问题,题目是如何与别人好好相处,让我们写出自己的建议。学生们应从自己的日常生活中的体验考虑,写出一条建议,不能超过5个单词。例如Keep smiling微笑;Be ready to help others乐于助人等等都是可以的。
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