2. 汤姆履行了他的诺言,归还了所有的钱。(keep one’s word)

1. 他说起话来就仿佛自己是一位要人似的。(as though)_
2. 汤姆履行了他的诺言,归还了所有的钱。(keep one’s word)
3. 这首歌总是使我想起我的学生时代。(remind ... of)
4. 过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。(lead to)
5. 借酒消愁常常于事无补。(drown ... in)
6. 美国人常在愚人节那天开朋友的玩笑。(play a trick / tricks on)
7. 在战争中,那些护士日夜照顾受伤的战士。(day and night)
8. 要是想赶上那班火车,你最好马上动身去火车站。(set off)
1. He talks as though he was an important person.
2. Tom kept his word and returned all the money.
3. This song always reminds me of my life in school.
4. Too much work and too little rest can lead to illness.
5. It is often no use trying to drown your sadness in drink.
6. Americans often play a trick / tricks on friends on April Fool’s Day.
7. Those nurses took care of the injured soldiers day and night during the war.
8. If you want to catch that train, you’d better set off for the station immediately.

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