Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste Plastic is found in almost everything these days. Your food is packaged

Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste
Plastic is found in almost everything these days. Your food is packaged in it. Your car, phone and computer are made from it. While most plastics are considered as recyclable, the reality is that they're “downcycled.” 16.           
Use matches.
If you need to light a candle, build a campfire or start a fire for any other reason, choose matches over plastic lighters. 17.           If you can’t bear to part with your lighter, pick up a refillable metal one to help cut down on waste.
Just say no to straws.
One of the easiest ways to keep plastic out of the landfill is to refuse plastic straws. 18.           Can’t fathom giving up the convenience of straws? Purchase a reusable stainless steel or glass drinking straw. Restaurants are less likely to bring you a plastic one if they see that you’ve brought your own.
About 1 million plastic bags are used every minute, and a single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to break down. If you’re already bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, you’re on the right track. However, if you’re still using plastic produce bags, it’s time to make a change.
Skip the frozen foods section.
20.           While giving up frozen food can be difficult, there are many benefits. You’ll be eating fewer processed foods and avoiding the chemicals in their plastic packaging.
A.Use reusable produce bags.
B.Develop new ways to deal with plastic.
C.Then how can we recycle plastic correctly?
D.Simply inform your waiter or waitress that you don’t need one.
E.Frozen foods offer both convenience and plenty of plastic packaging.
F.These cheap plastic lighters have even been found in dead birds’ stomachs.
G.Luckily, there are simple steps to help decrease the amount of plastic waste.
第二节  【解题导语】文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了如何减少塑料垃圾的方法。比如,使用可以重复使用的袋子或者使用火柴而不用塑料打火机等。
解析:考查对上下文的推理判断能力。本段建议人们放弃食用冷冻食品,因为冷冻食品往往有塑料包装,提示词:Frozen foods,故选E。
第二部分  英语知识运用
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