Can you remember a time when somebody was king to you? Perhaps a person let you go in front of

63.题意:是否有一千种方式来提供善意?考查细节理解。根据“There are a thousand ways to offer kindness有一千种方式来提供善意”,可知答案是肯定的,故填Yes, there are a thousand ways to offer kindness.。
64.题意:为什么行善是双赢的局面?考查细节理解。根据“It brings happiness to the receiver as well as the person who does the action它给接受者和做这件事的人带来了快乐”,可知填Because it brings happiness to the receiver as well as the person who does the action.。
65.题意:许多组织鼓励人们做什么?考查细节理解。根据“Many organizations try to encourage people to do kind acts, wherever and whenever they can许多组织试图鼓励人们无论何时何地都做善事”,可知鼓励人们无论何时何地都做善事,故填They encourage people to do kind acts, wherever and whenever they can.。
66.题意:RAK相信什么?考查细节理解。根据“They operate under the beliefs that kindness can be taught and that it is contagious他们的信念是善良是可以教的,善良是可以传染的”,可知RAK相信善良是可以教的也是可以传染的,故填RAK believes that kindness can be taught and it is contagious.。
67.题意:一个网站的用户如何成为“RAK tivists”?考查细节理解。根据“Their activities range from suggesting kind acts to allowing their website-users to become “RAKtivists” (people who officially register themselves as activists of kindness.) 他们的活动范围从建议善举到允许他们的网站用户成为“RAKtivists”(正式注册为善举活动家的人)”,可知用户正式注册为一个善举活动家就可以成为一个RAK tivists,故填A website - user who officially registers himself as an activist of kindness can become a “RAKtivist”.。
68.题意:请用15个单词完成最后一个句子。考查句意理解。根据上文“The second is environmental kindness, which could mean simply recycling or organizing a group event to tidy up a local park or beach第二是环保,这可能意味着简单地回收或组织一个团体活动来清理当地的公园或海滩”,可知善待自己的人也会善待周围的世界,故填you will be kinder to the world around you.。

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